What is this place?

Deosil Designs is the work of Alex Page - a creature of comfort, practicing witch, and friend to animals. She is best known for the Legend of Tarot, a 78-card collaboration with her wife, Rinoa Page (renowned writer/illustrator Heartgear). They managed a successful Kickstarter for the project in 2014 and have been going strong ever since. Alex is a first generation American and the third generation of female small business owners in her family.

What is "deosil" anyway?

In magical terms, deosil means clockwise or sunwise and widdershins means counter-clockwise. Witches have been using these directions for centuries to differentiate spells of opening, beginning, and evocation (deosil) versus banishing, closing, and cleansing (widdershins). Alex builds in as much of this sun energy as possible in her work.

Where do I find Tarot cards?

For now, all Tarot decks and bags will be listed on Etsy. Check my shop here for related products like Tarot scarves and prints!